Register for my free WEBINAR “THE EMPOWERED PARENT!”

Caribbean Beach Sunset

hey there

I’m Lisa

Chances are you’re here because a friend dropped my name, or ​you stumbled upon one of my videos online. No matter how you ​found me, I’m thrilled you did.

This site is full of incredible resources to help you look and feel ​beautiful and ideas that can help you change your life (not ​kidding!). Connect with me for my health and wellness products, ​free classes for parents, teachers, and recovering corporate ​queens, literacy work, special education advocacy, and the podcast ​that I co-host, “Drinks With the Girls”! Let’s make some magic ​happen!


Your average


Subscribe to my monthly newsletter for a fresh take on the daily hustle of life. Balancing mascara and meal prep, I share practical beauty and skincare tips, quick and delicious recipes, the 411 on all my current obsessions, life hacks, fashion finds, and a dose of everyday glamour...mixed in with some subscriber only discounts! It's all about making your life easier, stylish, and a lot more fun!

it’s time.

Are you ready to swap your products to all-natural, non-toxic ones ​with ingredients you can actually pronounce? Welcome to the ​amazing world of Arbonne.

start here

bundle it baby

the collection

new to Arbonne?

Just getting started with {your Arbonne? Dip your toe (figureatively or literally if you want) into my favorite starter bundle!

best selling skincare bundle

Transform your skin and get the most bang for your buck with the 5 Step DermResults Advanced bundle. This bundle literally changed the game for my skin. Anti-aging rock star!

my top nutrition favorites

My top-picks for daily nutrition. Best part? All you need for a nutritious day plus fantastic hydration and a green drink!

Home office
Testimonial Stars Icon

I had zero reservations about trying this. I trust Lisa and the information she provides, and I trust Arbonne.

Lourdes H.

freebie just for you

grab the five best clean weeknight meals

The struggle is real. Feeding your family healthly meals on busy nights is hard! Ditch the drive thru and grab my top 5 quick and easy meals !

free ebook



Star Border

Are you loving the podcast? Hope so!

Star Border

Hey there podcast peeps!

If you’re looking for some exclusive goodies just for you, you’ve come to the ​right place. I’d love to give you access to my exclusive newsletter as well as my ​quick FREE Gut Health checkup. See what might be going on in your tummy an ​what you can do about it. You’ll also get a code to save 10% off on anything you ​find on my Arbonne website! Check out skincare, nutrition, and makeup that’s ​pure, safe, and beneficial for you AND the planet! Grab these goodies here ​now!

DermResults Solutions Neck Cream🦢

100% of clinical trial participants showed ​improvement after just 12 hours in moisture ​levels. WHAT??!?!?!?!

New Product Sticker Vector

DermResults Solutions Night Cream 🌙

97% of clinical trial participants showed ​improvement after just 12 hours in moisture ​levels and 100% after one week. Insane!

New Product Sticker Vector

New Body Care!! 🧖‍♀️🛀

Treat your body like your ​face!

For those of you ​obsessed with the old ​Rejuvenation Cream, this ​is that in a whole body ​line, but better!!!


And replenished!

ready to shake things up?

I get it – next leveling your life can sound like an impossible task. Wondering how to do it ​seamlessly? That's where I come in. I’m not just about beauty products or fun ideas; I’m ​about creating a community where women like you can have it all. Ready to make your ​dreams a reality without missing a beat? I’ve got you.

Group of women talking during training session
Free webinar label

Exclusive Webinar

Sunday, September 29th

5pm PT/8pm ET

I'm excited to announce a new offering! I'm rolling out a new membership for parents ​that need help navigating the school systems for their struggling children, as well as ​those identified for special education services. I have a Masters in Special Education ​and 20 years in education. I also have two children on IEPs, so I come at this from many ​different angles. The first part launches on Sunday, September 29th with a webinar ​entitled The Empowered Parent: A Step-by-Step Guide to Navigating the IEP Process and ​Securing Special Education Support for Your Child. I'm offering a limited number of free ​tickets to my network because I'd like feedback on this webinar and some of the ​offerings I will be rolling out over time. It's will be approximately 30 minutes long and ​starts at 5pm PT/8pm ET. The recording will be available for a limited time after. I would ​love to find out more about what parents need and want help with!


“The Empowered Parent”

How to Ditch Your Job

Without Losing Your Income

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Group of women talking during training session

My free classes are designed ​for YOU! Yes You!

“”How to Ditch Your Job Without Losing Your Income”

Would you love to make a living doing something more impactful, more meaningful or ​even just something you really enjoy and get fulfillment from? Do you yearn for a better ​life path for yourself, but are afraid to unlock those golden handcuffs and go for it? This ​class is for you if every night you say to yourself, “Is this it? Is this as good as it gets? Do I ​ever get to want more out of life for me and/or my family? Will we ever get to the point ​where we have more paycheck than month”


How to Ditch Your Job

Without Losing Your Income

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Mandala Flower Illustration
Mandala Flower Illustration


Mandala Flower Illustration

How to Ditch Your Job

Without Losing Your Income

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So you can start earning a stream of income living a life by design…

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In way less time!

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Mandala Flower Illustration

In this free 30-minute masterclass you’ll learn:

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  • The top 3 mistakes all professional women make when they ​try to leave their jobs (and why they’re keeping you stuck)
  • The must-have tools you need to plan a life after your ​current job
  • What to do when you’re stuck where you are and can’t figure ​out how to get unstuck
  • How to conquer your fear of stepping away from a steady ​paycheck once and for all
  • And how to do ALL of this while living your best life

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Mandala Flower Illustration
Mandala Flower Illustration
Mandala Flower Illustration
Mandala Flower Illustration
Mandala Flower Illustration

Meet your teacher....

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Mandala Flower Illustration

The truth is, I’ve been where you are. Before I switched career gears, I felt like I was completely stuck where I was, and had no other option to support my family and help others.

Today, I’ve taken everything I learned about how to embark on a different and more meaningful career, and broken it down into a step-by-step framework that anyone can use to do the same — including you!

I refused to believe that I had to be stuck and miserable in my career to earn life-changing money.

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Mandala Flower Illustration
Mandala Flower Illustration

Changing my career has allowed me to help others do the same, plus get healthier physically and mentally.

And I want that for YOU too, my friend. I’m excited to show you how, in this free masterclass. I can’t wait to show you how ditching your job without ditching your income can totally transform your life, in this free masterclass.

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This masterclass is for you if:

Mandala Flower Illustration
Mandala Flower Illustration
  • You have worked in your field your whole life, but still haven’t made the impact you thought you would
  • You’re tired of working way too much and need a way to stop trading time for money... like yesterday.
  • You’re ready to wake up excited to have a positive impact on the world every single day
  • You’ve spent way too much time and energy trying to change your career or do something completely different, and are ready to stop spinning your wheels.

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Mandala Flower Illustration

It's time to say goodbye to being stuck and hello to living life on your own terms.

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Sign up for my free masterclass and learn how to make the leap to a life of your own design!

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hi, i’m lisa

Hey there! I'm your midlife PNW Princess, here to guide you in the art of next leveling your life. From health and wellness, to self-care, personal care, and mastering your mind set, I’ve got it all here for you.

I'm married to my British import husband and have two awesome neurodivergent kiddos who keep me joyful, present, and ALWAYS solution oriented. I LOVE to travel and appreciate the flexibility that this business gives me in my life!

Here's the deal, I'm not just about quick makeup hacks for busy moms. I'm also your mentor in a movement where we, as women, can earn for our families while being rockstar moms. Hang around for 5-minute makeup tutorials, mom-life tips, and how to build a life-changing business from home. It's all about making money, making memories, and making a mess (sometimes)!

xo, lisa

let's make magic together

Beach Sunset

should we be besties?

let’s be friends and stay in touch

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